We are not monsters, we are people too. It is upsetting when we get treated like we aren’t even human.
When we get on a bus people try to move away from us. Avoiding us is not going to help to break the stereotype at all. Doing that will only enforce it and make teenagers feel more aggrovated. Next time, maybe you could think twice about moving away. You will see that we will not really react to you being there. There are the occasional few teenagers who may suit the stereotype, but it does not mean it should influence your view on all teenagers. We are also very sporty and are generally quite active. It’s just no-one ever gives us a chance. If you are a teenager wearing a hoodie you are instantly classed as a criminal or some sort of zombie trying to kill everyone.
Teenagers have a lot of potential, but who actually wants to see what we can do? Nobody gives a place for teenagers to show their true skill and talent. The least people could do is give us a chance. Calling us lazy would be an incorrect statement; most teenagers are into sport and are very dedicated to their hobbies. When was the last time you saw an article or segment about a teenager on the news? Most of the time the problems on the news come from people who are older, sometimes even affecting us. For us it is a very important time in our lives. As we move on to ks4 the amount of work we have to do dramatically increases, and there are many important tests. These assessments will affect the rest of our lives. We are like walking time-bombs.
When we go through puberty we produce hormones which make us sleep later. So we have the energy to stay up all night, but we do not have the energy to wake up in the morning. This does not make us lazy, it just means it becomes more difficult to do things during the school day. In our teenage years we go through changes that affect the way we look and feel about things. If you take the time to know a teenager you will understand we are tired.
Teenagers are heavily misunderstood. People wonder why we may not like adults, it is because adults treat us badly. How do you think we feel when you are just staring at us. Why do you feel threatened by us? A group of teenagers with hoodies will be walking down the street and someone will feel the need to inform the police. Sometimes what you think and what you say to us can be offensive.
You may think of us as disrespectful, rude and uncaring. Have you ever thought of the teenagers that put time and effort in to doing things for others. Teenagers from all around the United Kingdom have come to run in the mini marathon. Some even came to raise money for cancer and other sort of illnesses. There are lots of young carers around. When parents aren’t able to care for us someone has to responsible for the family. It often becomes the kid’s job. When teenagers have to take charge get work harder then most parents to care for there family.
In conclusion teenagers are disrespected more then they actually disrespect the people around them. If an adult was to say something rude to a teenager no one would actually care. But when it is the other way around, it suddenly becomes the worst crime in the world. If you want to call a teenager a “lazy slob” you should think twice. Consider the fact that teenagers are willing to be active and do sports. We are tired of all the condescending statements.