Joe is asked by the sergeant if he is able to fix the handcuffs to arrest a convict. While Joe works on them Mr. Pumblechook offers them wine and acts like he is top of the house. They ask if they can go with the sergeant who agrees and takes Mr. Wopsle, Joe an Pip. Pip sees “his convict” wrestling a different convict who claims is trying to be killed. Pips convict says he took the food.
Joe and Pip return and Pip is relieved that the pressure was off him. He feels great loyalty to his convict and is glad he helped out.
Joe an Pip are talking by the fire and we find a letter written to Joe by Pip and Joe calls him scholar. It also shows that Joe can’t read and only looks for J-O. He says to Pip that he wishes he didn’t get the “tickler” and how Mrs. Joe is a good person. He tells us about his dad who hurt his mum be Joe protects him saying “He has a good hart”
Summary of chapter 5,6 and 7