Pumblechook takes Pip to miss Havishams to ‘play’. Estella greets him at the door and Pip thinks she is pretty. He is taken to her room where everything is frozen in time. The clocks have all stopped and she is wearing a wedding dress which looked like it was white once and says she looks like a skeleton. Pip tries to ‘play’ but finds it unusual so stops. Havisham asks Pip what he thinks of Estella. While leaving Estella makes Pip feel like he is unspecial mentioning he has coarse hands. Pip almost cries but sees that Estella enjoys it and so stops. On his way out he has a vision of a dead Miss Havisham hanging.
Pip goes home and tells lies to Pumblechook and mrs Joe about the experience as he believes no one will listen to then truth. He tells Joe this and he advises him not to lie.